today ......................... 14 January 2025 г.
последнее обновление ... 26 Ноября 2018 г.
Saving up 500 records of A-Scan or tuning parameters.
Maximal length of testing - 2954 mm (diameter 950 mm). Auto scrolling if length is more 250 mm. Saving up 45 records with maximal length. Consecutive record of a portion from the right and left side of weld.
Saving minimal or current value of thickness. Zooming of the bottom edge image of object.
up 27000 records (45 portion with 600 points)
saving up 292 records scanning time is 5-25 sec
saving up 45 portions with length of 3000 mm
Scanning time is 5-25 sec. Vertical zooming. Zooming of written down image in a view mode is also possible.